Some people struggle with ED, but they still have a morning wood. Surprising right? Well, naturally, it is possible for your penis to get hard in the morning while suffering from erectile dysfunction. However, the positive news is that experiencing morning wood is a sign that the problem is psychological not physical (3). This means that it is a good sign for you that your body is safe from medical issues and that with proper management this psychological issue can be cured.
If you desire to learn more about the combination of “morning wood” and “ed,” why do people have ed but still get morning wood? “Why don’t I get morning wood?”, “How to get rid of morning wood?”, “Why is experiencing morning wood but still having ED common?”, “Can you get morning wood with ED?”, “How to get morning wood?”, “What to do if a person has no erection in the morning?”, “How to get morning wood back?”, and “Why do I get morning wood but have ED?” Then continue reading this informative blog and attain knowledge about the basics of this concept.
Understanding Morning Wood
You might get confused when you get to hear the term morning wood. However, the meaning of this complex sounding term is quite easy and is experienced by several people. Morning wood is a physical condition in which a person gets hard or you can say experiences erection while you are asleep. Now, a person in deep sleep is not aware of the sexual arousal and sexual stimulation their body is going through that leads to morning wood. You may have also heard a more scientific term for this natural phenomenon known as nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) (1) or nocturnal erections. Regardless of the name, the wood does not just occur in the mornings. Males can experience three to five erections per night. Oftenly these erections happen when they undergo rapid eye movement (REM), in simpler terms when they are dreaming during deep sleep. The name morning wood is given to this state due to the reason that a person experiencing it only gets to notice the last sleep linked erection on being woken up.
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What Causes Morning Wood?
The real reason behind it is still unknown. One explanation is that a male experiences erection in the sleep to keep their reproductive organs healthy. An erection makes your erectile tissue swell by oxygenating it, this aids in preventing the loss of function in the tissue and allows it to function in a healthy way. Another common explanation is that morning erections are caused due to a full bladder.
Why Am I No Longer Able To Experience Morning Wood?
If you are no longer able to experience morning wood, then it can be an early indication for you to understand there might be a hidden problem in your body that needs medical attention.
Is Morning Wood Due To High Levels Of Testosterone Levels In The Body?
Morning wood is usually not linked with high levels of testosterone levels in the body. However, it is something that men experience and is primarily something that keeps the penises healthy. There is no proven link between the testosterone levels and morning erections. However, if you think that you have stopped experiencing them due to lower levels of testosterone in the body, then it is always best to consult a healthcare expert. Moreover, the expert will implement testosterone replacement therapy on you and add some nutritional supplementation. Several research studies (5) show that testosterone deficiency can lead to ED or absence of morning woods.
Is Lack Of Morning Wood A Bad Sign?
Well, the answer to this concerning question is that, yes, if you are unable to experience morning woods, then it is a bad sign for you as erections are considered as a healthy thing for the males. Let’s break down the major body parts that need to be working and should be in healthy condition for morning wood to occur. Firstly, your heart and circulatory system is the main body part that needs to be working as it enables the blood flow to rush to the penis to harden it. The second major body part is the nervous system that is responsible for the message circulation from the brain to the nerves of penis. And lastly, balanced levels of hormones such as testosterone.
Absence of morning erections simply means that a person may be suffering from medical issues such as diabetes, heart problems, and issues linked with blood pressure. If we look closely, there are various reasons that lead to the absence of erection in the mornings and many of these can be serious as well.
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What Are The Triggers Of Man Not Getting An Erection?
There are a lot of things that can come in the way of getting hard, making it complex for the suffering males. The common triggers are issues in the heart and circulatory system, brain and nerve signaling issues, and hormonal imbalances in the body such as testosterone. Furthermore, psychological issues such as stress, anxiety, and depression can also be the primary reason for the complexities in experiencing morning erections. Lastly, but most importantly, prescription of certain medications that can interfere with the functioning of some important body organs linked with morning erections.
What Can Cause The Sudden Erectile Dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction is a physical issue linked with failed erections in a male. This can be an initial signal for a person suffering from it that their circulatory, nervous, and endocrine systems are not functioning well. However, sudden erectile dysfunction is associated with psychological issues or due to medications, and certain types of drugs (2). In any case, you should definitely think of consulting with a healthcare provider for an erectile dysfunction treatment before the state declines.
What Morning Wood Indicates About Erectile Dysfunction?
When a man can’t get or stay erect during a sexual activity is what we call erectile dysfunction. There can be several reasons that can lead to ED in males and a morning wood can be a good source of knowing if the issue is physical or psychological (3)
You Have ED But Still You Experience Morning Erections
If you are suffering from ED and you have stopped experiencing morning erections then this can be a sign for you that your ED is physical and not a mental health issue. And this will also be an indication for you that you should take good care of physical health to ensure a healthy physical body. A fun fact is that sometimes age also is linked with ED.. As a person ages (4), it surely impacts the body functioning as well. Therefore, professionals make use of anti-aging services in such a scenario.
Ways To Manage Morning Woods
If a physical issue starts to affect your mental health as well. It can act as a burden on your mind and can lead to hopelessness and low self esteem. Therefore, there is a range of treatment options available to improve the erectile functioning of the body. These are ranging from penis pumps to changing lifestyles. The most impactful ED treatment includes prescription medicines such as tadalafil, vardenafil, and sildenafil (2). Furthermore, sometimes some experts will implement growth hormone optimization as well to ensure that there are no issues with the growth hormone in the body after a thorough assessment before. The process of all of these psychiatric medications will help you get hard or at least maintain the hardness. These psychiatric medications are the first step when it comes to control the signs of ED. Waking up with a morning wood seems to be a shameful thing but it surely indicates good physical health. If you feel like your penis is not very glorious in the morning then don’t think twice and consult with a healthcare expert.
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Wrapping Up!
Morning woods can be overwhelming for a male. However, it is the sign of a healthy physical body. Moreover, it can be a cause of concern for a person if it stops erecting. There can be several reasons leading to erectile dysfunctioning in a person. These can be hormonal imbalances, body organs not working well, and a disruption in the nerves responsible for penis erection and brain. Therefore, it is best to always consult a professional if you or any of your loved ones suffers from this major physical issue. Sometimes, ED is experienced due to weight issues (4) as well. In such a case, a healthcare expert will implement weight-loss solutions to manage the weight. Additionally, one of the best men’s care platforms Revive Men’s Health is here to help you.